
Just Like You... But A Little Different!

What's gweedlife?

gweedlife is a blog about our lives. Some people use "Honey", "Dear", "Sweetums" or even "Babe" as terms of endearment. But as you will find out, Bob & I don't do things like most people! "Gweed" originated when Bob & I were dating. I started calling Bob "Gweedo-Schmeedo", which was eventually shortened to just "Gweed". Being the super creative individual that he is, Bob decided to call me the same thing! So we both call each other "Gweed".

Bob Herman & Julie Anderson met on an old porch in downtown Grabill in August, 1981. Something must have happened that day, because we have been married for 26 years (!!!) & have 5 kids to prove it. We’ve lived in Grabill, Leo, South Bend & Auburn, Indiana, as well as Birmingham, Alabama & Edwardsburg, Michigan. We currently live just south of Auburn.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One Crazy Day

Wow will we all be glad when this day is over!  It hasn't been particularly terrible, but it also hasn't been especially good. We weren't sure what to expect today since it is the first anniversary of my mom's trip to heaven, but our creative God had a curve ball coming our way!

My dad woke up after a restless night feeling the strangest, weird feeling he's ever had.  He hates the way he's feeling because of the medications.  His pain isn't severe, so he has refused all pain medications.  He has had a lot of dizziness & severe nausea, even vomiting.  I don't ever remember my dad vomiting before in my life.

He still has the chest tube in, as well as an IV & lots of monitoring equipment, but in spite of all of the cumbersome clutter attached to his body, he walked the entire circle of the STICU.  All that walking through the neighborhood helped out!  He has been sitting up in a chair, but most of the day he's been in bed floating in & out of sleep.

While all of this was going on, we learned that my niece Abbi Bussen was sick & went home from school this morning.  Kristie took her home & Abbi got worse, so she then took her to the doctor.  Dr. Jakacki examined her & sent her immediately to the hospital for tests because he suspected appendicitis.  Her white count was elevated but the CT was inconclusive.  As I write this, Kristie & her ex-husband Todd are in the ER waiting for a surgeon to consult about Abbi's case & determine if she will be having surgery tonight or not.  I told her that we could probably arrange for her to share a room with my dad, but she didn't quite like that idea!

As far as visits go, he has requested that only family members visit at this time.  He also isn't taking phone calls because he can't think clearly enough to converse intelligently (he says).  Judging by some of the things he's said today, he is probably right!

Your prayers are definitely needed & appreciated.  As my dad would say, we don't know what the future will hold, but we do know Who holds the future.  Our faith is solidly in Christ our Saviour.  We are His servants & will endure until He calls us home!

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